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Roadmap/feature requests

Avatar johnholdun

I wrote the software powering this forum and at the time I'm writing this it's only a few days old. This thread will serve as a place to discuss what's coming soon and what the community would like to see.

- More rich text features: bold, italic, and lists are things I'm immediately missing. A lot of "basic" rich-text stuff (images, inline links) will likely never be added to keep moderation easy for me, but I'm open to suggestions.

- More profile details: I think a bio and a homepage link would be cool for users. Maybe also avatars, but I never liked forum signatures and I don't think they'll make it here. (Open to suggestions or dissent on this as well though.)

Avatar johnholdun

- Better error messages

- Ability to edit posts

Avatar johnholdun

Just added gravatars! For the three people that have signed up so far, log out and back in and you'll get yours.

Avatar vimzilla

Probably a ton of work to implement - but a "preview" before you post that includes formatting and embeds would be very good.

Avatar vimzilla

To add to the rich text features, > "quote" feature would be nice, or some ability to reply to specific folks/messages.

Avatar johnholdun

To add to the rich text features, > "quote" feature would be nice, or some ability to reply to specific folks/messages.

Blockquotes work! A preview would absolutely be very useful though, as long as some documentation on what's actually supported

Avatar johnholdun

(I should have been clear about this but you can start a line with ">" to turn it into a blockquote)

Avatar johnholdun

- More elegant deploys—if you ever get a 502 error it's because something just changed. Instead of being frustrated with my clownshoes operation, please pretend you are Neo experiencing déjà vu

Avatar johnholdun

- Read/unread status - Thread subscriptions

Avatar vimzilla

Blockquotes work! A preview would absolutely be very useful though, as long as some documentation on what's actually supported
